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【更新通知】系统将于2024.09.19 23:30 - 2024.09.20 01:30 版本更新,本次更新 电商 系统将有 1-2H 中断,给您带来的不便,敬请谅解!
Order NO. A459241 CAS : [313526-24-8]
化合物IBR2,10 mM DMSO 溶液
英文名 IBR2, 10 mM in DMSO
级别 For Signal Pathway Regulation 相关类别 DNA损伤和修复
储存 冷冻(-20℃) 分子量 400.49
靶点  DNA/RNA Synthesis    
编 号 包装 库存 目录价(¥) 您的价格(¥) 数 量
A459241-0001 1 ML 咨询


IBR2 (Isoquinoline) is a potent and specific RAD51 inhibitor known for its ability to suppress RAD51-mediated DNA double-strand break repair. By interfering with RAD51 multimerization, accelerating proteasome-mediated RAD51 protein degradation, inhibiting cancer cell growth, and inducing apoptosis, IBR2 has proved to be an effective compound in these aspects.


保存缓冲液 10 mM DMSO 溶液
保存温度 -20°C~-80°C
信号通路 DNA损伤和修复|细胞周期
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