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Order NO. D191040
英文名 Anti-GFP mouse monoclonal antibody
别名 Green fluorescent protein
相关类别 标签抗体 储存 冷冻(-20℃)
宿主 Mouse 反应种属 GFP transfected cells or Pure GFP protein
克隆类型 mouse monoclonal 抗原 GFP
编 号 包装 库存 目录价(¥) 您的价格(¥) 数 量
D191040-0050 50 ul 现货
D191040-0100 100 ul 现货


Green fluorescence protein (GFP) is a 27 kDa protein derived from the jellyfish Aequorea victoria, which emits green light (emission peak at a wavelenth of 509 nm) when excited by blue light (excitation peak at a wavelenth of 395 nm). Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) has become an invaluable tool in cell biology research, since its intrinsic fluorescence can be visualized in living cells.




保存缓冲液 Ascitic fluid with 0.05% sodium azide and 40% glycerol
运输条件 2-8°C
靶点 Uniprot 登记号 P42212
靶点全称 Green fluorescent protein
靶点研究领域 Cell Biology
亚型 IgG2b
Sample Application

  • Gel: 8%SDS-PAGE, Lysate: 0.016/0.03/0.063/0.125 μg, Lane 1-4: Recombinant Green fluorescent protein, Primary antibody: D191040(GFP Antibody) at dilution 1/10000, Secondary antibody: Goat anti mouse IgG at 1/5000 dilution, Exposure time: 5 seconds
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