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Order NO. D199975
英文名 Anti-mBanana mouse monoclonal antibody
相关类别 标签抗体 储存 冷冻(-20℃) 避光
宿主 Mouse 反应种属 mBanana
克隆类型 mouse monoclonal 抗原 mBanana
编 号 包装 库存 目录价(¥) 您的价格(¥) 数 量
D199975-0100 100 ul 预计5日内发货


mBanana is a novel monomeric red fluorescent protein mutant. mBanana is a Fruit Fluorescent Protein which was developed in Dr. Roger Tsien’s lab by directed mutagenesis of mRFP1, a monomeric mutant of DsRed . Fruit Fluorescent Proteins such as mBanana have demonstrated stable expression and perform successfully in numerous fusion applications.




保存缓冲液 PBS (PH 7.3) containing 1% BSA, 50% glycerol and 0.02% sodium azide.
运输条件 2-8°C
靶点研究领域 Cell Biology
亚型 IgG1
Sample Application

  • Gel: 12%SDS-PAGE, Lysate: 5μg, Lane 1-2: HEK293T cells lysates were transfected with the pCMV6-ENTRY control and pCMV6-ENTRY mBanana cDNA for 48 hrs, Primary antibody: D199975(mBanana Antibody) at dilution 1/2000, Secondary antibody: Goat anti mouse IgG at 1/8000 dilution, Exposure time: 2 minutes
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