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Order NO. D222791
英文名 Anti-NUP62 rabbit polyclonal antibody
别名 p62; IBSN; SNDI
相关类别 一抗 储存 冷冻(-20℃)
宿主 Rabbit 反应种属 Human, Mouse, Rat
克隆类型 rabbit polyclonal 抗原 NUP62
编 号 包装 库存 目录价(¥) 您的价格(¥) 数 量
D222791-0025 25 ul 现货
D222791-0100 100 ul 现货
D222791-0200 200 ul 现货


The nuclear pore complex is a massive structure that extends across the nuclear envelope, forming a gateway that regulates the flow of macromolecules between the nucleus and the cytoplasm. Nucleoporins are the main components of the nuclear pore complex in eukaryotic cells. The protein encoded by this gene is a member of the FG-repeat containing nucleoporins and is localized to the nuclear pore central plug. This protein associates with the importin alpha/beta complex which is involved in the import of proteins containing nuclear localization signals. Multiple transcript variants of this gene encode a single protein isoform.




保存缓冲液 -20°C, pH7.4 PBS, 0.05% NaN3, 40% Glycerol
运输条件 2-8°C
靶点 Uniprot 登记号 P37198
靶点基因 ID 23636
靶点全称 nucleoporin 62kDa
靶点别名 p62; IBSN; SNDI
靶点研究领域 Signal Transduction, Epigenetics and Nuclear Signaling, Cancer
亚型 Immunogen-specific rabbit IgG
Sample Application

  • The image on the left is immunohistochemistry of paraffin-embedded Human liver cancer tissue using D222791(NUP62 Antibody) at dilution 1/40, on the right is treated with fusion protein. (Original magnification: ×200)

  • Gel: 8%SDS-PAGE, Lysate: 40 μg, Lane 1-5: Jurkat cells, human brain malignant glioma tissue, PC3 cells, K562 cells, A549 cells, Primary antibody: D222791(NUP62 Antibody) at dilution 1/300, Secondary antibody: Goat anti rabbit IgG at 1/8000 dilution, Exposure time: 5 seconds
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